Negative Pressure Wound Therapy http://www.npwt.com Consolidates information on NPWT. | |
All About Shoulder Dislocation http://www.ori.org.au Shoulder dislocation from a patient's point-of-view. Detailed illustrations accompanying text. | |
Common Orthopedic Disorders - Knee http://www.drmendbone.com Description of several conditions and injuries of the knee, by Richard S. Glosser, M.D. | |
eMedicine Health - Finger Dislocation http://www.emedicinehealth.com Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment. | |
Wounds http://www.woundsresearch.com A peer-reviewed journal focusing on wound care and research. | |
Sports medicine and Orthopedic Surgery http://www.emedx.com An index of musculoskeletal injured areas common in sports related activities. From emedx.com [Note: graphics are actual x-rays or photos of injuries - ed] | |
UKAS http://adhesions.org.uk Information about this organization devoted to adhesions and their related disorders (ARD). Details about treatment and prevention. | |
Injury Clinic http://www.rice.edu Resources on sports related injuries. Includes explanations, detailed graphics and treatment considerations. From SportsMed Web. | |
American Academy of Wound Management http://www.aawm.org Certifying board for physicians, nurses, physical therapists and other health professionals in wound care. Includes list of certified specialists, a forum, and certification information and application. | |
Dr. Pribut's Sports Page http://www.drpribut.com Comprehensive information on injuries related to runners. In-depth descriptions, graphics, risk factors, and treatment recommendations. | |
http://www.altavista.com | |