Burn Survivor USA http://www.burnsurvivorusa.com Richard Webser tells his personal story and discusses the long-term issues of being a burn survivor. Includes pictures. | |
Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation - Atlanta http://www.gfbf.org The Foundation's mission is to educate the public in burn awareness and prevention, to support medical facilities in the care of burns in Georgia, and to assist burn survivors in their recovery. | |
About Being Normal : Life as a Burn Survivor http://www.aboutbeingnormal.com Explores and recounts what it is like to live with burns from childhood to adult as a burn survivor. | |
Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation http://www.aarbf.org Variety of innovative burn prevention materials. Survivor assistance programs and support group information. | |
American Burn Association http://www.ameriburn.org The ABA is dedicated to: stimulating and sponsoring the study and research in acute care, rehabilitation, and prevention of burns; providing a forum for presentation of knowledge; fostering training opportunities for burn care professionals; and encouraging publications within the burn care field. | |
B.C. Professional Firefighters Burn Fund http://www.burnfund.org Links and information about burns and their treatment. | |
Benjamin Jones http://www.benjaminjones.org Focused on raising money to send kids to burn camp and a college scholarship. Includes a biography, links, contributions and contact details. | |
Burn Awareness http://www.shrinershq.org Treatment of chemical, thermal, and electrical burns. Contains information for families, children, educators and firefighters. Provided by the Shriners Hospitals for Children. | |
Burn Children Recovery Foundation http://www.burnedchildrenrecovery.org Information about the organization which helps teach children about fire prevention, helps support child burn victims, and offers training to protect children from fire. Details about the programs and contacts. | |
Burn Emergencies http://www.ci.phoenix.az.us Burn classifications, methods, degree (types) of burns and how to determine severity. Initial treatment modalities are listed. From The City of Phoenix, Arizona. | |
Burn Recovery Center http://www.burn-recovery.org Describes burn treatment therapies including skin grafts and reconstructive surgery. Information on burn centers and resources for long-term treatment and care. | |
Burn Resource Centre http://www.burnresource.com Offers education and consultation to professionals and the community. Includes an awareness quiz, articles [PDF], and list of training topics and seminars. | |
Burn Survivors Throughout the World, Inc. http://www.burnsurvivorsttw.org Offers articles on various issues, advocacy and support. Includes a message board, scheduled chats, personal stories and mailing lists. | |
Burns http://library.thinkquest.org Description of the many types of burns. Developed by students for Thinkquest. | |
Children's Burn Foundation http://www.childburn.org Provides financial resources to meet the needs children suffering severe burns caused by abuse, neglect, or accident. Includes information about the programs and request for funding. | |
eMedcine Health - Chemical Eye Burns http://www.emedicinehealth.com Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of chemicals in the eye. | |
Firefighters Burn Treatment Society, Edmonton Chapter http://www.firefighterbtu.net Information, history and pictures that show what the society is all about along with our Fund Raising efforts and the Alberta Children's Burn Camp. | |
The Herbert Mahne Family Foundation http://www.herbertmahne.com Funds programs that assist juvenile burn victims throughout the United States. | |
The Hurting Angels http://www.thehurtingangels.com Burn survivors supporting survivors. Includes a message board, resource links and contact details. | |
Illinois Fire Safety Alliance http://www.ifsa.org Information for persons or groups with a common interest in fire safety, burn prevention, and public education, and promotional programs and disseminate information related to fire safety and burn prevention. | |