Abortion and Breast Cancer http://www.cancer.gov Citing medical journals, the National Cancer Institute refutes claims that elective abortion is linked to breast cancer. | |
Abortion Procedures http://www.americanpregnancy.org Description of the different types of pregnancy termination procedures and which ones are used during which trimester. | |
Abortion Services in New Zealand: Abortion Procedures http://www.abortion.gen.nz Describes how surgical and medical abortions are performed in New Zealand. | |
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com Large collection of material about evidence linking abortion to increased breast cancer risk, including reports claiming cover-ups by expert panels and researchers who have found no connection. | |
Dangers of Herbal Abortion http://www.w-cpc.org Herbs can be used to end pregnancy, but can also pose serious dangers to the women who use them. Details and links to other resources. | |
eMedicine Health - Abortion http://www.emedicinehealth.com Collection of articles covering abortion procedures, preparation, counseling, health considerations, societal issues, and legal rights. | |
International Consortium for Medical Abortion http://www.medicalabortionconsortium.org Network of organizations and individuals interested in medical abortion. Includes members, activity and event details, and latest news. | |
National Abortion Federation - Abortion Facts http://www.prochoice.org Fact sheets and patient education materials from organization of physicians and clinics that perform abortions. | |
National Right to Life Committee http://www.nrlc.org Describes several abortion techniques, possible physical and psychological complications, and possible alternatives. | |
Planned Parenthood: Abortion http://www.plannedparenthood.org Provides questions and answers, fact sheets, and reports on abortion. | |
Sister Zeus: Preventing and Ending Pregnancy http://www.sisterzeus.com Provides how-to information and discusses risks of herbal abortions. | |
1 to 9 months - Abortion in India http://www.1to9months.com Overview of procedures offered in India and laws respecting pregnancy termination. | |