Website related to Pet Adoption,Pet Care,Pet Health,Pet Insurance,Pet Meds,Pet Products are listed in this Category.
Website related to Pet Adoption,Pet Care,Pet Health,Pet Insurance,Pet Meds,Pet Products are listed in this Category.
Dr. Bob's All Creatures Site A comprehensive site offering pet health information. This includes congenital diseases of dogs, an extensive section on diseases of pets, a booklet for new bird owners, and sections on the husbandry of a variety of pet animals. | |
Extended Years Provides advice for a healthy lifestyle which can extend your Dog's life. Ask the Vet on-line and products for the health of your pet. | |
Family Pet Clinic Provides an online interactive database for diagnosing your pets ailments. As well as discussion forums, case studies, and other pet health issues. | |
The Final Solution for Fleas This site describes in detail how fleas live and multiply, as well as the diseases that they spread. But most important, it tells how to get rid of them permanently in the least harmful way to your environment. | |
Galen's Garden Offers health care information for rabbits and guinea pigs including herbs, homoeopathy, nutrition, and common ailments. | |
Inner Circle Dr. Andrew Jones DVM provides online pet health solutions to members of the Inner Circle including e-books, videos, audio recordings and a forum where members can ask their specific questions. | |
Laser Les Laser Surgery for Pets including Laser declaw are discussed. A list of veterinarians in the Mid-Atlantic that offer Laser Technology is included. | |
Little Critters Vet Written by a practicing vet, this site offers extensive information on dog, cat, bird, ferret, rabbit, rodent, and reptile care in health and disease. | |
Liz Koskenmaki, DVM Veterinarian based in Burbank, California providing information and resources on pet health, nutrition and preventative medicine for dogs and cats. | |
Novartis Animal Health UK Ltd. Offers a program and Capstar flea control for cats and dogs. Information about getting rid of fleas on your pet and in your home. | |
Online Veterinary Advice Ask veterinarian, Dr. Marie, for veterinary help for sick dogs, cats and pocket pets. Includes information on her qualifications, prices, archive questions, articles and a blog. | |
Pawcurious Dr. V writes articles about the dogs, cats and emotions she meets in the day to day drama of life in a small animal clinic. | |
Pet Allergy Fact Sheet Provides information and advice to dog and cat owners about the various causes of the allergies their pets may develop and what they can do about them. | |
Pet Allergy Institute Allergens cause allergy symptoms in pet owners. This organization supplies an allergen testing kit to enable pet owners to identify whether particular animals pose a low, medium or high level of risk. | |
Pet Behavior Problems Animal behavior problems are common and one of the biggest reasons that people give up their animals or treat them harshly. By treating behavior problems it is possible to enhance the relationship between and person and their companion animal and prevent further damage. | |
Pet Health Focus Provides a resource for pet health and wellness with veterinarian-approved articles about wellness, diseases, treatments and day-to-day care, newsletters, discussion forums and a veterinary referral service. | |
Pet Health Forum Provides an opportunity to discuss pet health-related problems in a friendly community. | |
Pet Insurance Information Provides information on pet insurance including what is covered, how much it costs and what to look for in a policy. Includes information for both canine and feline insurance. | |
Pet Libraries Online Provides pet health and training resources including detailed information and links to an online library of health and training programs for pet owners. | |
Pet Tech: First Aid and Care for your Pets Provides training for pet owners in first aid, CPR and care, and longer courses for people to train as a Pet Tech instructor, with a directory of instructors in the US and Canada. | |