HealthyPlace.com http://www.healthyplace.com For sufferers, survivors of anxiety, panic disorders, phobias. Includes expert and peer information, support groups, anxiety disorders chat, and journals-diaries. | |
HelpHorizons.com - Coping with Anxiety http://www.helphorizons.com Contains articles, columns, and other resources about this subject matter. | |
HolisticOnline: Anxiety http://holisticonline.com Information about anxiety and PTSD. Causes and symptoms. The treatments covered include both conventional and alternative/integrative medicine approaches. | |
Lifeline Anxiety Disorder Newsletter http://www.designandcopy.ca Designed for people, and the families of people, who suffer from the panic brought about by fears, anxieties, and phobias. | |
Mental Health Net - Anxiety http://mentalhelp.net Provides thorough information about symptoms, products, and treatments regarding anxiety. | |
Merck: Anxiety http://www.merck.com Information about anxiety and its common causes. | |
National Anxiety Foundation http://www.lexington-on-line.com Directory of health care professionals specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Descriptions of symptoms and treatments for various anxiety disorders, including OCD, Panic Disorder, PTSD, and Social Phobia. | |
Panic Anxiety Hub http://www.panicattacks.com.au Offers information, resources and support for people with this class of disorder. | |
Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, and Agoraphobia in Children and Adolescents http://www.klis.com Information about symptoms and definitions, how these conditions may be disguised, possible causes, school issues, examples of these conditions, comorbidity, psychotherapy, and medications. | |
Peace of Mind http://www.mypeaceofmind.ca Encouraging awareness in depression and anxiety - common signs and symptoms and getting help. | |
Phobia Center of Dallas and Ft. Worth http://phobiacenterdfw.com Information on panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, social phobia, fear of public speaking, checkride anxiety, specific phobias, fear of flying, and performance anxiety. | |
Separation Anxiety Disorder http://www.mentalhealth.com Description of separation anxiety disorder and treatment. Pamphlets and other information are available. | |
WebMD Anxiety & Panic Disorders Health Center http://www.webmd.com Features causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. | |
http://www.altavista.com | |