TAPIR: The Anxiety Panic Internet Resource http://algy.com Self-help for those suffering from phobias, generalised anxiety and related conditions. Contains news, forums, and advice. | |
LivingWithAnxiety.com http://www.livingwithanxiety.com Anxiety help, resources, medication, recommended reading and information. | |
Panic Disorder http://www.geocities.com Dr. Michael Menaster, a San Francisco psychiatrist, on "panic disorder"; symptoms, possible causes and treatments. | |
Anxiety - Doctor's Guide to the Internet http://www.pslgroup.com News, information, and discussion groups for anxiety patients, and their friends and parents. | |
Anxiety and Panic Pit Stop http://members.tripod.com A reference site for people with anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. | |
Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute Of Maryland (ASDI) http://www.anxietyandstress.com Information, treatment and training for excessive worrying, anxiety disorders, stress-related disorders, and post-traumatic disorders. | |
Anxiety Disorders http://www.athealth.com Information on the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders, with related links. | |
Anxiety Disorders Association of America http://www.adaa.org Non-profit organization provides information and support for patients and health professionals, with details of conditions, and lists of resources. | |
Anxiety Disorders Guide http://www.anxiety-disorders.net Articles on the diagnosis and treatment of the various kinds of anxiety and panic disorders. | |
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adults http://www.ncpamd.com Articles on the diagnosis and treatment of separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and agoraphobia. | |
Anxiety: Health Factsheets from BUPA http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk Concise factsheets explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of anxiety, available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat format. | |
Anxiety Network International http://www.anxietynetwork.com Comprehensive information and advice on social anxiety (social phobia), panic, and generalized anxiety disorder and their treatment. Includes articles, bookstore, question and answer pages, and related links. | |
Anxiety, Practically Speaking http://www.head-cleaners.com Anxiety - problems, symptoms, treatment modalities. | |
Anxiety/Panic Disorder at Suite 101.com http://www.suite101.com Bi-monthly columns, links to resources, up-to-date news, chat, discussions, and tips. | |
Anxiety-Panic Resource Center http://www.healingwell.com Medical news, information, books, articles, links, message boards, and more on anxiety and panic disorder. | |
Anxiety-Panic.com http://anxiety-panic.com Directory of websites about anxiety, panic and related disorders. | |
BeyondAnxiety.com http://www.beyondanxiety.com Knowledge, skills, support and community for anxiety sufferers, including those with social phobia, PTSD, OCD and generalized anxiety. | |
eMedicine: Anxiety http://www.emedicine.com Clinical report on anxiety disorders and panic attacks - symptoms, differentials, medication, treatment, and workup. | |
eMedicine Health - Anxiety http://www.emedicinehealth.com Overview of anxiety and its causes, symptoms and treatment. | |
General Anxiety Disorder - MentalHealthChannel http://www.mentalhealthchannel.net Information about the prevalence, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition. | |