Filaria Journal http://www.filariajournal.com Addresses the biology, infections, disease and control of filariasis, onchocerciasis, and guinea worm. | |
The Merck Manual: Parasitic Infection http://www.merck.com | |
Acanthocheilonemiasis http://www.rarediseases.org NORD fact sheet about this rare tropical infectious disease offers alternative names, a general discussion, and resources. | |
Birdmites.org http://www.birdmites.org Dedicated to finding effective solutions for bird mite infestation of humans and their environment. Includes a FAQs, strategies, research and a forum. | |
Body Lice Fact Sheet - CDC Division of Parasitic Diseases - http://www.cdc.gov Includes insect information, symptoms, and treatment. | |
CDC DPDx - Parasites and Health http://www.dpd.cdc.gov Factsheets on intestinal and blood-borne parasites. | |
Ectoparasites and Endoparasites http://www.soton.ac.uk Academic links and information about Fasciola (liver flukes) and parasitic zoonoses. | |
eMedicine - Balantidiasis : Article by Valda M Chijide, MD http://www.emedicine.com Balantidium coli is a ciliated protozoan, and it is also the largest human protozoan. It is known to parasitize the colon. | |
MedlinePlus: Parasitic Diseases http://www.nlm.nih.gov Directory of factsheets, press releases, and articles. | |
Netherlands Society for Parasitology http://www.parasitologie.nl Provide general information about the organization, and information on Dutch activities related to parasitic diseases of humans and animals. | |
Para-site Online http://www.med-chem.com This diagnostic medical parasitology site includes, current issues, FAQS, procedures, method discussion and recommendations, quiz of the month and CPT codes. | |
WormLearn http://home.austarnet.com.au A parasitology site that helps people with little or no knowledge of parasites get essential introductory information. | |