Ridgecrest Herbals http://www.ridgecrestherbals.com Markets over-the-counter herbal remedies and food supplements. | |
The Root Of The Matter http://www.therootofthematter.ca Organically grown maca, ginseng, goldenseal, and echinacea roots in powder and capsule form. Includes expected benefits, product comparisons, and scientific data. | |
Sevene http://www.sevene.fr Infusions and decoctions from a variety of medicinal herbs. Includes usage instructions. | |
Shamans Garden http://www.shamansgarden.com Offers dried and fresh plants and seeds that are used by Shamans around the world. | |
Sheepish http://sheepish.us Remedies from Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Tibetan practices including teas, nutritional formulas, bulk herbs, and essential oils. | |
Shining Mountain Herbs, LLC http://www.shiningmountainherbs.com Organic herbs and products including tinctures, salves, and specialty formulas. | |
SiCap Industries, LLC http://www.sinusbuster.com Sinus wash, dietary supplements, and skin care products containing capsaicin from hot peppers. | |
Skye Herbals http://www.skyeherbals.com Milk thistle liquid extract. Includes clinical data and usage instructions. | |
Sonchelle http://members.optusnet.com.au Herbal medicines, avocado nourishing cream, essential oils, and courses for herbal healing. | |
SonDon International http://www.sondon.com All-natural herbal products in a variety of health enhancing formulas, includes catalog and product descriptions. | |
Specialist Herbal Supplies http://www.shs100.com Specializing in individual and herbal mixtures. Includes programmes for menopause, colon and liver. Located in the UK. | |
Spice Discounters http://www.spicediscounters.com Offers bulk herbs and spices, teas, empty capsules, potpourri, candles, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, and related supplies. | |
Stony Mountain Botanicals, Ltd http://www.wildroots.com Bulk herbs and spices, essential oils, and supplements. | |
Sunstone Herb Farm http://www.sunstoneherbs.com Information about a small family run farm located in the Catskills Mountains providing the quality herbal products and dried herbs. | |
Sweet Sunnah http://www.sweetsunnah.com Medicinal plants black cumin, aka. blackseed or nigella sativa are used for natural herb immune support products like manuka honey. Natural skin and hair care products also available. | |
Symmetry http://www.symmetrydirect.com Herbal supplements for a variety of ailments and health issues. | |
TC Bauer Company http://www.esutras.com Teas, supplements, skin care, and bath products. | |
5th Element Products http://www.5thelement.com Offering bulk herbs, teas, aromatherapy, bath and body products, and essential oils. Also offers candles, books, and related herbal accessories. | |
TheHealthHut http://www.thehealthhut.com Health food and nutrition center, serving the continental United States from Bedford, Texas. | |
Thyme For Health http://www.thymeforhealth.com Supplements, tea blends, aromatherapy, and extracts. | |