Thyroid Eye Disease Describes Thyroid Related Orbitopathy (TRO) which has been known to occur as much as 30 years after Graves' disease has been treated. Causes, incidence and the role of the eye specialist. | |
Thyroid Eye Disease Treatment of exophthalmos through naturopathy, supported by acupuncture, acupressure, and magnetic treatment, eye care and eyeball exercises. | |
eMedicine: Thyroid Ophthalmopathy Incidence, causes, physical signs, symptoms, history, lab and imaging studies, medical and surgical treatments. | |
The Eye and the Thyroid Gland Includes information about the eye problems (ophthalmopathy) associated with both Graves' disease and autoimmune thyroiditis. | |
Graves' Eye Disease This personal account features photographs taken before, during and after surgery. | |
Graves' Eye Disease The Angeles Vision Clinic presents descriptions and photos that show how excessive levels of thyroid hormones and related antibodies attack the muscles of the eye. Includes treatment and illustrations. | |
Graves' Eye Disease The clinical features and treatment for this condition also known as thyroid eye disease (TED) or Graves' opthalmopathy (GO). From the Thyroid Foundation of Canada. | |
Graves' Ophthalmopathy VisionChannel presents an article about the treatment of thyroid eye disease which occurs independently from Graves' disease. | |
North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society: Thyroid Eye Disease Describes thyroid orbitopathy, including an explanation of how the eye muscles are affected, treatment and an FAQ. | |
Thyroid Eye Disease An FAQ that answers some of the most common questions regarding this disorder. | |
Cigarette Smoking and Treatment Outcomes in Graves' Ophthalmopathy This study determined that smoking increased the risks of ophthalmopathy and decreased the effectiveness of treatment. Annals of Internal Medicine. (October 15, 1998) | |