Dizzytimes.com http://www.dizzytimes.com Online community for sufferers of vertigo, imbalance and dizziness. Features discussion forums and chatroom. | |
The Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA) http://www.vestibular.org | |
Acoustic Neuroma http://www.nlm.nih.gov Encyclopedia article from MedlinePlus including a definition of this condition, its causes, symptoms, tests, treatment and prognosis. | |
Balance Chicago http://balancechicago.wordpress.com Vestibular disorder blog which includes helpful resources, links to articles and research, patient experiences and tips for living with these conditions. | |
Balance Disorders http://www.medic8.com Provides an explanation of the balance mechanism and gives information on the various conditions that cause imbalance. | |
B.C. Balance and Dizziness Disorders Society http://www.balanceanddizziness.org Support group offering information and support for persons with vestibular disorders. Provides information about meetings and other resources. | |
BPPV - Benign Positional Vertigo http://www.emedicinehealth.com Causes, symptoms, and treatment of the ear infection which leads to this condition. | |
Cawthorne Cooksey Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com Includes professionally prepared exercises which help retrain the brain to recover from vestibular disorders. | |
Center for Hearing and Balance http://www.bme.jhu.edu Clinical information pertaining to auditory and vestibular studies. Located at Johns Hopkins University. | |
Central Vestibular Disorders http://www.healthscout.com Provides information on the cause, symptoms and treatment plans for this type of disorder. | |
Coping with Dizziness http://www.conciliocreative.com Resource for patients with vestibular disorders. | |
CSP congress: Vestibular Disorders http://www.cspcongress.co.uk Conference on how physiotherapists treat psychological problems associated with vestibular disorders, to be held in Liverpool, UK from October 16 to 17, 2009. | |
Dizziness and Vertigo http://betterhealth.vic.gov.au Fact sheet on these conditions, their symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment. | |
The Dizzy Lounge.Com http://www.thedizzylounge.com Online support and information for people who are living with dizziness and or vertigo due to an inner ear or vestibular disorder. | |
Dr. Rauch's Online Otology Clinic http://www.masseyeandear.org Video clips from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary covering autoimmune inner ear disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, cervical vertigo, chronic otitis media, Meniere's disease and associated topics. | |
Inner Ear Disorders Message Board http://www.healthboards.com Forum for discussion of these topics. | |
Mayo Clinic Vestibular Rehabilitation Program http://www.mayoclinic.org Site discusses symptoms of vestibular disorders including: vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance, and how vestibular rehabilitation may offer help to these persons. | |
Post Traumatic Vertigo http://www.american-hearing.org Learn more about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of this particular type of disorder. | |
Vertigo http://www.medicinenet.com MedicineNet provides information about vestibular balance disorders including their symptoms, causes, how they are evaluated and treated. | |
Vertigo Cure http://www.vertigocure.org Provides information on vertigo, its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Includes readers comments on their symptoms. | |