Website related to Ear,Nose and Paranasal sinuses,Throat are listed in this Category.
Website related to Ear,Nose and Paranasal sinuses,Throat are listed in this Category.
OHSU Health: Ear, Nose and Throat Covers various disorders, services, and devices. Includes a glossary and resources. | |
The Eustachian Project Medical questions on the ear, nose and throat are answered by Dr Doug Hoffman MD PhD. | |
BUPA: Adenoidectomy A fact sheet explaining the reasons and procedure involved. May be downloaded as PDF. | |
Ear Nose and Throat Patient Information A large selection of brochures for patients to learn about ear, nose, throat and sinuses. A section for health care providers regarding diagnoses and treatment for sinus disease. | |
The Empty Nose Syndrome Association Non-profit organization founded to inform the public of possible negative side effects related to sinus and turbinate reduction surgery. | |
Hear-it Learn about hearing loss with facts, figures, causes, signs, and consequences of hearing impairment. Personal experiences, advice, treatment, and hearing aids. Includes section on children. | |
Patients Forum on Parotid Tumors Presents photographs from before and after surgery for a benign tumor, as well as details of the operation. | |
Otoophtalmical Neurophysiology Patient and scientific information about vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus and other neurosensorial disorders, diagnosis and treatment. In Spanish, English and German. | |