Website related to Aplastic Anemia,Fanconi Anemia,Hemolytic Anemia,Megaloblastic Anemia system are listed in this Category.
Website related to Aplastic Anemia,Fanconi Anemia,Hemolytic Anemia,Megaloblastic Anemia system are listed in this Category.
AnaemiaWorld A resource on renal anaemia for healthcare professionals sponsored by Roche. Includes treatment guidelines, current issues in management, resistance to therapy, and publications. | |
eMedicine Health - Anemia Consumer health resource center providing an overview of this disorder and its causes, symptoms and treatment. | |
Healthworld Online - Anemia An overview of the condition together with self help diagnosis. | |
Anemia Lifeline Information on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of anemia. | |
Anemia and Iron Status Overview of the causes of Anemia together with downloadable recommendations on how to prevent it. | |
Anemia, Evaluation of M�rcia Datz, Pediatric Resident University of S�o Paulo Brazil. Definition, symptoms, testing, and types of anemia. | |
The Body: Fatigue and Anemia Listing of resources for anemia. | |
Catherine's Page Catherine is a currently undergoing a bone marrow transplant. Her page is for those interested in aplastic anemia, myelodysplasia, and bone marrow transplant issues. Includes links to BMT resources. | |
Information Center for Sickle Cell and Thalassemic Disorders Gives an evaluation of the causes and treatments, as well as current research. Information is available for lay persons and health care providers. | | An in depth look at anemia including a description, detection, hemoglobin, the causes and treatment. | |
MedlinePlus: Anemia A definition of anemia and lists specific types with links for further investigation. | |
The Merck Manual A description of anemia and discussion about the different laboratory tests. | |
National Anemia Action Council Offers research information about anemia associated with end stage renal disease, chronic kidney disease, cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. | |
Unit for the Social Study of Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell A UK based social studies site for thalassaemia and sickle cell, including bibliography, quiz, and links to other major sites. | |
Yahoo! Groups: anemia Discussion list on promotion health through the controlling of Anemia. | |