Website related to Hives allergy,Hives food allergy,Hives food allergies,Allergies and hives,Hives skin allergy are listed in this Category.
Website related to Hives allergy,Hives food allergy,Hives food allergies,Allergies and hives,Hives skin allergy are listed in this Category.
eMedicine Health - Hives and Angioedema Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment. | |
Hives - Question and answer format explaining possible causes of hives, as well as treatment and prevention. | |
Asthma and Allergy Information and Research - Urticaria Detailed information on types of urticaria, potential causes, and options for treatment. | |
International Chronic Urticaria Society Includes clinical and anecdotal information about chronic hives from members of a mailing list support group. | |
MedicineNet: Hives Doctor written consumer health information on this condition, the different types of hives, causes, and treatment. | |
Stop And Smell The Roses Living with Urticaria Pigmentosa. Find articles and information about a book. | |
Urticaria Pigmentosa Causes, prognosis and treatment. | | - Urticaria | |
American Academy of Dermatology - Urticaria Brief overview of types of urticaria, causes, and treatment. Displays some photographs. | |
Chinese Traditional Medicine and Urticaria Describes in detail how practitioners in China solve this disorder with TCM herbal products and herbs. Information about TCM books, qigong, tuina and acupuncture included. | |
DermNet - Urticaria Information on different types of hives, including cholinergic urticaria and dermographism. | |
Discovery Health - Hives Description of hives, symptoms, prevention, treatment, when to call the doctor, and prognosis. | |
Hives - Read an article explaining a common rash and its many causes. | |
HIVES RASHIn medical terminology hives is usually spoken as urticaria as hive is a symptom of urticaria. Most people do not develop one hive when they have urticaria, hence the name hives.Hives are a kind of skin rash notable for dark red, raised, itchy bumps. Hives are most often caused by allergic reactions but there are many other causes too. For example, most cases of hives lasting less than six weeks (acute hives) are the result of an allergic trigger. | |