Website related to Alcohol addictions,Drug addictions,Food addictions,Games addictions,Internet addictions,Smoking addiction,Substance abuse addiction are listed in this Category.
Website related to Alcohol addictions,Drug addictions,Food addictions,Games addictions,Internet addictions,Smoking addiction,Substance abuse addiction are listed in this Category.
Earn a master of science in applied psychology The Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Sacred Heart University is a career-oriented program with Industrial-Organizational and Community Psychology concentrations. | |
EFT training DVDs by Gary Craig Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT Training DVDs Learn EFT from the Founder Gary Craig he introduces many ways to learn EFT. It has free manuals and newsletters and other ways to really learn the essentials and other benefits of EFT. | |
Addiction Today Journal devoted to evidence based treatment for all forms of addiction and dependency. Includes a list of treatment centres and self help information. | |
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Canadian research facility and hospital which provides direct patient care. Includes searchable database of addiction related materials. | |
Journal of Addictive Diseases Publication of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Offers articles online in PDF format. | |
Is Addiction Just a Matter of Choice? Transcript of report on conflicting views about addiction by John Stossel of ABC News, televised in April, 2003. Also includes message boards on which this report was discussed, and links to web resources. | |
emerging sideways Anonymous blog about recovery from sexual and food addictions. [Atom] | | - Addictions Articles and discussion about addictions with special sections on addictions to pornography, sex and love, tobacco and chemical substances (drugs). | |
Print Media Coverage of Research on Passive Smoking Research evaluates tobacco industry influence on coverage in newspapers and magazines of the health effects of secondhand smoke. | |