African Nutrition Leadership Programme - ANLP http://www.africanutritionleadership.org Provides seminars to assist the development of future leaders in the field of human nutrition in Africa. | |
American Overseas Dietetic Association (AODA) http://www.eatrightoverseas.org Promoting links with Dietetic groups all over the world, offers membership with an annual conference, projects and careers. | |
Australasian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (AuSPEN) http://www.auspen.org.au Providing information of research and other issues, guidelines, and membership. | |
Commonwealth Association of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition http://www.capgan.org Includes calendar of events and meetings, organization structure, member contacts, and education forums. | |
Cyprus Dietetic Association http://www.cydadiet.org Presents goals, plans and events, with FAQ, newsletter, and conference details. [English and Greek] | |
European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD) http://www.efad.org Federation of EU member National Associations of Dietitians. Offering information on working in different EU Countries, education, reports and links. | |
European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism http://www.espen.org Offers journal, membership, education, special interests, and an annual congress. | |
International Confederation of Dietetic Associations http://www.internationaldietetics.org Offers information about its international congress, a newsletter, and membership details. | |
Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute http://www.indi.ie National organisation for nutrition and dietetic professionals. Offering fact sheets, news, jobs, locate a dietitian and membership. | |
The Japan Dietetic Association http://www.dietitian.or.jp Nutritional advice offered along with information about the association and some of its older newsletters. [English and Japanese] | |
The Korea Dietetic Association http://www.dietitian.or.kr Professional body offering information about the organisation and its activities. Available in English and Korean. | |
Malaysian Dietitians� Association (MDA) http://www.dietitians.org.my Professional body offering information about the organization and the annual Conference. | |
New Zealand Dietetic Association (Inc) http://www.dietitians.org.nz National association of the dietetic profession currently representing over 450 dietitians and associated professionals practicing in diverse areas of dietetics throughout New Zealand. | |
The Nutrition Society of India http://www.nutritionsocietyindia.org offers membership, meetings (both national and regional) and a newsletter. | |
Nutritionist-Dietitians' Association of the Philippines (NDAP) http://www.ndap.org.ph Offers information on nutrition and diet for all as well as membership, diary of events, jobs and conference for the professionals. | |
The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia (PENSA) http://www.pensa.org Offers information, news, online newsletters, membership and an annual congress. | |
Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association (SNDA) http://www.snda.org.sg The professional organisation for dietitians and nutritionists. Offering information, news, conference and membership. | |
http://www.altavista.com | |